

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Important Dates for Spring 2014

Hello Everyone,

Are you all ready for Monday the 13th? It is time to put your coats and scarves on and venture out into the land of VCU for a semester of classes.

To try to get the semester off to a smooth start, lets go ahead and get out our planners or post-it notes and get some important dates scribbled down.

Thursday 1/9: Orientation for Internship Students and Supervisors at Brookland Middle School (9200 Lydell Dr., Henrico VA, 23228) from 4:30pm - 6pm.
Monday 1/13: First day of Spring classes.
Monday - Sunday 1/13-19: Add/drop and late registration dates.
Monday 1/20: No classes, University closed for Martin Luther King Day.
Friday 1/24: Graduation applications are due to your advisor;  Deadline to submit application to take the CLED Comprehensive Exam to Reggie Brown.

Saturday 3/1: CLED Comprehensive Exam.
Monday - Friday 2/10-14: Spring Break.
Wednesday - Friday 3/19-21: VSCA Conference at the Doubletree by Hilton Midlothian. Check out the info and register at VSCA.org.
Friday 3/21: Last day to withdraw from a course with a "W".
Monday 3/24: Summer course registration begins.
Monday - Friday 3/24-28: Advising for fall registration.
Monday 3/31: Fall course registration begins.

Friday 4/4: CLED Alumni Dinner from 5:30 until 9:30pm.
Saturday 4/12:  National Counseling Exam

Monday -Friday 5/5-10: Evening classes Final Exams
Thursday 5/8: End of the semester Celebration for the Graduates
Saturday 5/10: Graduation :)

Hope this helps everyone throughout the semester! And try to stay warm!