

Monday, October 22, 2012

Spring 2013

Classes are now posted to view for the 2013 Spring semester. 
Go ahead and take a look to plan out your schedule and then on  
November 5th 
all Graduate students can register.

so that you can take a look.

Hope that everyone's classes are going well!
The semester is officially halfway over,
so everyone take a deep breath and knock out the second half :)

-Courtney C.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Need a break from all of that homework?

The VCU Monroe Park Campus has a lot to offer!

One great part of the campus is the Cary Street Gym located right by the School of Education building. This gym has an indoor track for you to walk, jog, or run on, as well as a rock climbing wall and boulder, lots of exercise machines, indoor basketball, a large swimming pool,  and even a hot tub

All of this can be found on the website here: Cary St. Gym

 But wait... there's more!

They also have classes all throughout the day ranging from Conditioning, Water Exercise, Cycling, Dance, Martial Arts, and Mind & Body.
In each category listed above, they are sure to have something that you would enjoy. These classes also tell you whether they are fit for beginners or for more advanced members.
My personal favorite is the Zumba that can be found in the dance category.

The calendar for the classes can be found HERE!

Oh! How could I forget to mention,
As long as you have your student ID, you have complete access to all they have to offer.

Why not take a break from all of that homework and do something for yourself that is not only relaxing, but good for you. 
A great addition to those Wellness Plans!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Summer and Fall

Many of you have just completed summer courses and finally have a few weeks of Summer to enjoy! It's definitely beach and relaxation time for us all.

Fall semester is right around the corner though. It's coming time to buy your books and make sure your schedules are all set. 
Good luck to everyone in their upcoming classes, practicums and internships!

Also! A big round of applause to those who took COMPS over the summer! I've heard that everyone passed! Congratulations to you all!

See you all soon for Fall :)

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Possible Logo

While creating the blog and Facebook page for this group, I could not find any sort of logo. So I decided to play around and try to make one. This is what I came up with...

So here is my reasoning for the design: The background is the world to symbolize networking. The logo at the top is the VCU School of Education logo ("Bridging the Gap"). I am open to suggestions if anyone thinks of something different. 

Summer Classes - Financial Aid

I have been hearing a few people ask about Financial Aid for the summer semester. Here are a few things that may be helpful:

This is a link to the Summer Financial Aid Application that must be turned in.

The form must be taken to the Student Services Center at the bottom of Harris Hall. The address  is at the bottom of the application page.

The aid for the summer semester is connected with the FAFSA of the previous year. Therefore, the aid for this summer comes from the 2011-2012 school year.

As a side note, as a recent undergraduate here at VCU I have learned a lot about what to do and where to go. If anyone has any questions feel free to ask! If I do not know the answer, I can definitely do my best to find it for you.
My school email is cornejocm@vcu.edu.

Hope this helps!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Spring 2012 Graduation Celebration!

The graduates. 
Also, Congratulations to the new Chi Sigma Iota -
Omega Lambda Iota Chapter inductees!
More Chi Sigma Iota - Omega Lambda Iota inductees!
More CESNA members that attended the Graduation Celebration.

Saying thank you to the CESNA president of the 2011-2012 year!

Amazing food catered by Buzz and Ned's BBQ

Picnic on the floor!


Graduation coffee mugs as well as a fishbowl of gift cards for the Grads! VCU pride.


Hello to all the VCU CESNA members! My name is Courtney Cornejo and I will be picking up the Webmaster position in place of Leigh. She did a wonderful job creating and updating the CESNA blog, I only hope I can do as well as her.
Soon I will be posting pictures from the Graduation Celebration that was held tonight (May 8, 2012). It was very nice meeting and seeing you all tonight. Congratulations to all of the graduates!